data that is summarized using statistical methods or by simply summing its component parts
Application Programming Interface: a specification allowing two pieces of software to interface with each other, without either having knowledge of the inner workings of the other
a list of tasks prepared by the project manager
refers to the entirety of a dataset, instead of the incremental amounts that may be retrieval via other means, such as an API
Civil Service Organizations: a legally constituted organization created by natural or legal persons that operates independently from any form of government in the interest of civil society. Also commonly referred to as NGOs.
Comma Separated Values: A format for transactional data that separates each column value by a comma. Can be imported and exported from most spreadsheet programs
a syntax for interacting with data in a database. Usually specific to the software being used
one who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming (like a 'coder' - but more energetic :) )
a session where hackers come together to answer a particular task
a period of a defined length during which changes to a project can be made. Usually ends in a review meeting to plan the next iteration.
Javascript Object Notation: a data format that is relatively easy for humans to read and write and very easy for machines to read and parse
creating an entire copy of a website on another server, primarily for backup
(pronounced "My Sequel" or "MY S-Q-L"): Open source relational database software
A web service which turns place names and addresses into coordinates so that they can be mapped / associated with an administrative area
(abbreviated Postgres): Open source object relational database software, a query language similar (but not identical) to that in MySQL is used
Optical Character Recognition: the electronic conversion of scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text
data from outside an organisation (often from standards organisations) which is, apart from occasional revisions, static
When a project's scope slowly and steadily increases, without a formal re-examination of the original terms and requirements
a file format for geospatial vector data that is primarily used to feed data into mapping applications
Hosted and open source mapping software for creating maps
short descriptions that outline in plain language the different use cases and possibilities for different types of users for the purposes of determining software requirements
a type of image composed of connected points rather than pixels
eXtensible Markup Language: a markup language created to structure, store, and transport data by defining a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.
Some of the above entries contain excerpts from and the Jargon File v. 4.4.8
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